
Media Black Out…The Storm is Upon Us

Every morning I wake up to a world I no longer recognize. Each day, each minute the news cycle changes. It is spinning! The news media should be a source for information, varied perspectives, debates, facts, statistics, and good old fashion stories. But we no longer live in the First Amendment free world. We are witnessing in real time the state take over of our information systems: TV, Social Media, Entertainment, News. The reliable sources we once counted on, from our local networks to the major players like CNN and Fox News, are mere tools of a political entity of the state to cattle people into group think. Main stream media repeat talking points across the country from large cities to small towns. The one conservative network we believed gave fair and balanced reporting has turned on a dime. Conservatives and independents alike are scurrying to find unadulterated truth. They have been fanatically trying to find someone, any one, to give them real news. We have literally no one to trust. They all have an agenda-the fundamental transformation of America.

I love America! All her demons and drama; her majestic glory. So, when I heard Obama’s sales pitch to, “Fundamentally transform America,” fear shot through my bones. And now Biden is spewing out the new rendition of Obama’s dream, “The Great Reset.”

I DON’T WANT TO CHANGE AMERICA! Not at the expense of destroying what we were founded upon. Our Constitution is not a rule book, it is our protection. And any one who wants to fundamentally change it is blatantly taking away our country, our rights, and our freedom. The greatest of these is our Freedom of Speech.

It is no secret that media is owned by six majors players. (https://techstartups.com/2020/09/18/6-corporations-control-90-media-america-illusion-choice-objectivity-2020/) It amazes me that Americans are not taking note of this cautionary tale-liberal conglomerates owning our news. They control what we see, edit what is said, what stories to report, and who to leave out. Conservatives are being left out. It is not even a matter of being ignored. They are silencing us. They have closed down alternative media venues, defunded videos, banned sites, and so on. And with this new phase of “democratic socialism,” all in the name of protecting people from misinformation, conspiracy theories, hate, racism and danger, they are shunning and demonizing conservatives. Don’t think it can worse? They are moving into dangerous rhetoric, fascism really, with calls for punishments, re-education, jail, and even death. (https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-democrats-media-want-punishment-trump-supporters)

I don’t have the answers. I don’t know exactly how to fight the deep state agenda. But we need to keep informed. We need to be able to communicate. Over the years we have seen the rise of alternative avenues for information. Thank God for all those warriors! But as the storm grows angrier and darker, even these alternative sources are drying up, harder to find. So, I thank you for finding yourself here. I am honored to be able to carry the torch, lighting the direction to information, truth, open dialogue, the sharing of voices, and uniting us in away that isn’t censored, banned, or silenced.

I have tried to share alternate sites for news, but FB has been banning it before I could even get it posted. So, I am going to list a couple of sites of interests. Check them out. Sign up to the ones you like and try to move out from the social media giants who are hell-bent in destroying our rights to freedom of speech.

Listed below are some sites, news venues I like to listen to and read. I hope you find them valuable as well. If you have others you would like to share, please feel free to add in the comments below:

Dan Bongino Report: https://bonginoreport.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInsSmk8TO7QIVQD6tBh1Z4gpvEAAYASAAEgJg4fD_BwE

Dan Bongino Daily Report: https://bongino.com

X22 Report: https://x22report.com

One American News: https://www.oann.com

Dennis Prager: https://dennisprager.com

The Epoch Times: https://subscribe.theepochtimes.com/p/?page=sem&utm_medium=Search&utm_source=GoogleSearch&utm_campaign=ACC1-339SC-Branded2020&utm_content=AdGroup1General&utm_term=epoch%20times%20subscription&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_ZnQyMLO7QIVuDytBh2iYwydEAAYASAAEgL6jvD_BwE

And We Know: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzkAzJ2vQgRyEDzHFiKOaQA

Dr. Steve Turley: https://www.turleytalks.com/about-steve-turley

Dr. Steve Turley-Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCsiAKRKcgzA_372WbXNBaw

Thank you for stopping by. Join our email list and keep in touch!


Buyer Beware!

I WON’T LIE TO YOU...Democrats are ruthless. They have stopped at nothing to take out Donald Trump, so it seems. But that wasn’t what they really wanted. What they wanted, and were achieving under the Obama administration, and were hoping to complete with a Hillary Administration, was to take out America.

President Trump has said many times, they weren’t after him, they were after us, the good people of the United States of America. And it is only too obvious today with Biden-the PROJECTED winner of the election-with his new declaration of undoing all of President Trump’s Executive orders, as well as rejoining The World Health Organization (WHO), the Paris Accord, and working on the Green New Deal.

Before you all brush these off as “bureaucracy” I think it important to define all these measures:

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency’s governing structure and principles, states its main objective as “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.” (To find out more: https://www.who.int/about/what-we-do)

“The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, the agreement aims to increase the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change, and at making finance flows consistent with a low GHG emissions and climate-resilient pathway. To reach these ambitious goals, appropriate mobilization and provision of financial resources, a new technology framework and enhanced capacity-building is to be put in place, thus supporting action by developing countries and the most vulnerable countries, in line with their own national objectives. The Agreement also provides for an enhanced transparency framework for action and support.” – United Nations Climate Change (Read more at: https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/what-is-the-paris-agreement)

The Green New Deal is legislation with the goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to avoid the worst consequences of climate change while also trying to fix societal problems like economic inequality and racial injustice. The Green New Deal calls on the federal government to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create high-paying jobs, ensure that clean air, clean water and healthy food are basic human rights, and end all forms of oppression. (Read from the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/21/climate/green-new-deal-questions-answers.html)

What I love best about Liberals and their policies is that they make everything sound so righteous and good. All the above sounds noble and has good intentions. But as they say, the road to Hell is paved in good intentions.

What they leave out in the fine print are all the controls and restrictions on our freedoms, complete abdication to their authority, the ultimate destruction of American independence, and disregard to citizen rights granted under the Constitution. In other words, they want to control us.

If Americans were given the choice of having individual freedom, control of our livelihoods, and living as Americans or to surrender to a body of unelected world elites who will control almost every aspect of who we are, how we live, and what freedoms we are to be granted, would they? Didn’t we do that once? This is the big question that is at play with this election. It was poorly communicated (by Trump and the Republicans), if not blocked from the public debate. But with Biden’s declarations it is now apparent what this election was all about. Democrats did not run on any of this agenda. In fact, their only campaign was, “Take Trump out.” Now we are seeing the true agenda mere days after the election. Should this have happened? If the media were doing their job this all should have been vetted beforehand. No one, and I mean NO ONE including “conservative” outlets, pushed Biden for his agenda. So here we are, on the brink of a One World Order, losing our economy, our individual freedoms, our Constitutional rights, and our American way of life, all the while young people are dancing in the streets because, THEY WON!

But did they?



As the impeachment inquiry for an impeachment hearing continues, we are bombarded daily, nightly, on the weekends–well, every minute of every day, with news about, “high crimes and misdemeanors.” If working with a foreign country to get dirt on a opposing candidate is “high crimes” then why aren’t Hillary and Obama in jail? But I digress. That isn’t what is this impeachment hearing is about, is it?

To be honest, we Americans really don’t know what this impeachment “inquiry” is all about. No one can tell us what the crime is. It is a moving target. Quid-pro-quo? Wasn’t that debunked when Trump released the transcripts? But that didn’t deter the Dems. They got in front of the cameras, Schiff performed a reading, and they stood together in horror as they declared our democracy was being destroyed. They introduced not one, but two Whistleblowers. One has disappeared all together, and the other one won’t testify. Of course, there were no concerns that the whistleblower described a completely inaccurate account of the conversation between President Trump and Ukraine President, Zelensky. Maybe because he didn’t actually hear the conversation, or had first hand knowledge of it. But don’t let that information bother you. What should bother you is the whistleblower had met with Schiff’s people, worked for CIA, was fired from the NSA for leaking, worked and traveled with Joe Biden, worked directly under James Clapper, served in the Obama Administration, and his account sounded very lawyered-up. The fact that he was a democrat pawn should be totally irrelevant, right? But the Dems moved forward with their accusation, even after Ukraine President Zelensky confirmed he felt no pressure, or even knew there was a hold-back of funds. Most importantly, the funds were released with no exchange of information about the Bidens. But the Dems were insistent there was a quid-pro-quo sticking to their script no matter how many facts debunked their theory. Low and behold, within weeks, they had a parade of “witnesses” who all had opinions and “concerns” as to what the President was doing concerning Ukraine. Wow, concerns about Ukraine? A country rarely discussed in the political arena…and THIS conversation, an unplanned phone call the National Security Council suggested, on the 25th day of July, that didn’t actually create an illegal action (Ukraine got their funds; no exchange of information about Bidens happened), sparked such deep concern by people across departments, titles and jobs it propelled them to talk to lawyers, immediately take notes, send out texts, and write superiors–all at once?

Am I digressing? Oh yes, the crime of the century…

The Dems are still stringing along a quid-pro-quo concept even though it has been debunked. But that isn’t the only “theory” they are counting on. Just last week a new theory arose: abuse of power. (Shouldn’t all politicians be convicted of this crime?) It didn’t quite stick, but they haven’t disregarded the notion. There is the theory of our national security in jeopardy. (Funny how Hillary’s unsecured emails, or Obama’s gun running scheme didn’t seem to bother them.) Then there is the Dem’s favorite go to–Obstruction of Justice. They aren’t quite sure which one they are going with. I am sure they will figure it out when they actually move to real impeachment. But for now, the actual crime is not yet revealed.

It would be nice to know what the Dems are up to. Wasn’t it Obama’s claim to fame to be more transparent. A concept the Dems embraced with fervor. But I guess I can’t be too disappointed with the outcome. The Dems have never been transparent–”You’ll know what’s in it when we pass it.” They are acting in complete secrecy. No, none, zero, zip transparency! But here is why: the WHOLE TRUTH is not wanted. They are seeking parts, snippets of information that will corroborate their theories. They have a crime, or crimes, and are trying to fit the “facts” to support their accusations. A blatant rejection of due process, they are denying the accused–innocent before proven guilty-of any countering of their claims/accusation, or his ability to defend himself. A minor point, I am sure. But we are witnessing the abuse of governmental power, and the destruction of our constitutional rights as citizens–for if they can do this to a president, what make you think this precedence will not flow down to a common citizen? More importantly, we are seeing tyranny in real time. The Dems have voted in a layer of complete and utter power to eventually overturn an election and deny the citizens their vote for a duly elected president.

I digress again.

So, let’s look at the latest LIE and misrepresentation of the impeachment “inquiry.”

Tim Morrison, an official at the National Security Counsel (NSC), was the latest to testify before the Democrat council. He followed a controversial witness, Alexander Vindman, who also worked in the NSC and testified he had “concerns” about Trumps motives for “holding back funds with Ukraine.” Touted as a war hero, a badge of honesty, the Dems were thrilled at this witness’s testimony. But it was just “a” prespective, not “the” perspective. As more information is uncovered about Vindman, we are learning he is a partisan Democrat who was more “activist” than a bipartisan military official. He has had several complaints from other officials who were deeply bothered by Vindman’s “anti-American” tone. At minimum, his reputation and testimony should be scrutinized. But that’s not possible as the hearings are behind closed doors, selective questions by what the Democrats want to ask and hear. What we do know about his testimony is it’s an opinion. Nothing concrete. No documentation to prove his opinion. No illegal behavior proved. Even a series of texts between him and with a Trump official, Gordon Sondland, shows two very important facts: 1) Vindman was the one who instigated “a concern” of quid-pro-quo, reaching out to Sondland (an unusual action, Sondland testified), and 2) the Sondland’s responses clearly confirm the opposite of Vindland’s testimony–there was no quid-pro-quo.

Tim Morrison’s testimony is being touted as corroborating Vindman’s testimony. If you read all the headlines and listen to MSM, their headlines read: NSC Official Corroborates Testimony Linking Ukraine id To Investigations.-CNN

But is Morrison’s testimony a smoking gun?

Testimonies have been leaking out to MSNBC & CNN, and other media outlets where they run with the headlines supporting the Dem’s narrative. This inquiry is is a closed-door hearing. Nothing is supposed to leak out for fear of changing upcoming witness testimonies. This is the narrative Dems have been spouting as to why this investigation is so secretive. (And the reason they are denying Republicans access to transcripts.) But this isn’t the reality. Leaks are happening everyday about testimony. Only, the leaks have been very favorable to the Dem’s narrative (Russian Hoax, part II), setting the stage for impeachment, rather than transparency for Americans to know the truth. Impeachment is serious. As Nancy Pelosi said, impeachment should not be partisan. Transparency is key to allowing Americans to judge for themselves, based on all the facts, testimonies, and witnesses as to why their duly elected president should be ousted.

Morrison is important because like Vindman, he was was on the call between Trump and Zelensky. Some of his testimony corroborated the same information by Vindman. But that “corroboration” had more to do about processes and action rather than revealing a crime. They corroborated how the transcripts were handled, or how he was told to stay away from the Ukraine policy by Fiona Hill. Are those illegal? In what and how are these important in context? The “corroboration” in testimonies may or may not have anything to do with an illegal activity on the part of the President. So, the headline, and narrative is misleading. CNN reported, “That [Morrison] was told President Donald Trump wanted a top Ukrainian official to announce an investigation that would help the President politically before US security aid to Ukraine would be released.” He was told? Did he personally hear this? Did he think this to be true? Morrison testified he had no reason to believe the Ukrainians knew aid was suspended until the end of August, and didn’t have cause to believe there was a tie to an investigation until early September. (Note, the aid was released a week later.) Morrison continues his testimony, “I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed.” He also confirmed in his testimony the “memorandum”, or transcripts, were factual and correctly sums up the conversation between Trump and Zelensky, “…after the call, I promptly asked the national security counsel legal advisor and his deputy to review it.” He summed up his concerns saying, to the best of his recollection, it is accurate. This is the third testimony of the voracity of the transcripts, countering the MSM push to invalidate Trump’s released transcripts.

Morrison’s testimony goes even further and undercuts Vindman’s testimony by saying he was warned about Vindman’s judgement, and on at least one occassion he can recall, Vindman went outside of chain of command concerning Ukraine during his service and was reprimanded.

Overall, Morrison was not the smoking gun. He was “a” witness that presented facts, and his concerns about issues that surround Ukraine. But they do not add up to a crime or intent of corruption or quid-pro-quo. The Dems are trying to tie different information together, counter to the facts, to create a narrative. For example, Morrison stated he was critical of Guiliani’s role in the Ukraine investigation. This does not mean it was illegal or wrongdoing. It is just his opinion on how he felt about it. Not a crime. Not an abuse of power. Just a different perspective on how to manage. There are going to be people in Trump’s administration who don’t always agree with methods, actions, etc. But ultimately, Trump is the president and has his way to manage issues and concerns. That is an average work day–not everyone has the same perspective, goals, viewpoints, and so on. It doesn’t make it a crime or abuse of power. But it does anger those who disagree with hm. We can see by the Trump-hating witnesses the Dems are parading into the hearings. The Dems are trying to manipulate these varying viewpoints from critic and trying to tie them into some intent of a crime. This is silly, if not dangerous. But more importantly, they are using this information to sway public opinions and manipulation truth. These last round of headlines was obvious-they lied.

Transparency is the only cure. Let us see the testimony. Show the people what kind of questions being asked. Are they leading? Are they allowing all answers? Are they getting the whole picture? Are they seeking “the” truth, or “a” truth. Right now, all we see is what they want us to see; what they want us to hear…and that is a dangerous precedent of justice.



For years Leftists have had the floor. They have maneuvered their way in, occupying disproportionate positions of power, through media, education, Hollywood, big tech, and government, dominating control and allowing them to dictate what is acceptable and not acceptable. With this power, they have squashed Conservatives with their blunt refusal to accept or consider opposing positions. The concept of working together is purely rhetoric. As we have seen with immigration reform or working on infrastructure, it is either their way or the highway. Even when the Republicans held both House and Senate, it seemed they were still calling the shots. They pretty much have gotten their way, through their domination in all areas of our social structure, smothering Conservatives with their ideology and policies, shoved (or sued) down our throats. Their motto: Leftists or Lifeless.

Until Trump.

Liberals have had a good run at labeling Republicans/Conservatives as racists, sexists, and bigots. Anything conservative is instantly labeled “right wing.” There is no spectrum of conservative thought. You are either a Liberal or a White Supremacists. There is no in-between. Having a family with both parents is now privileged. Not allowing kids to pick their gender is child abuse. Holding Christian values is anti-LGBTQ. Flying an American flag is xenophobic. Preferring heterosexual relationships is embracing misogyny. Criticizing anyone who is not white is racists. Supporting the rights of babies is anti-woman. And supporting free speech–good and bad–is supporting hate. This the face of liberalism pushed by Leftists and the world they are demanding on us…no longer apologetic of their motives. No longer hiding behind the construct of a republicans democracy, but a one-party state.

In the past, if Conservatives dared speak up, the left used the tactics of screaming and protesting–the squeaky wheel philosophy. When winning with ideas was no longer working, they turned to destroying the person with the ideas. They went to bottomless lengths to rip apart anyone who dared oppose their values and ideology. Demonization was born. A prime example is the baker who refused to bake cake for a gay wedding. He won in a court on the basis of religious freedom. Yet, he is being sued again (a third time) by someone challenging him to decorate a cake for a “transition” occasion. Liberals weren’t content to challenge his ideology in a court of law, losing on the basis of individual freedoms that benefit all Americans, including them. Their goal was to destroy him. The cake baker, the man, the store owner, the guy just trying to make a living was irrelevant. He wasn’t a person, but a representation of evil incarnate. Destroying him was fair game, and a message to all who dare to defy the Left’s ideology. As Dan Bongino likes to say, to Conservatives, the Left are good people with bad ideas; to the Left, Conservative are bad people with ideas. This sets the stage for their “justified” behaviors to destroy anything conservative. There is no accepting/integrating conservative ideas. Conservative ideas need to be squashed and destroyed, along with the people that hold those ideas and values, for they are one and the same. As Hillary poignantly put it, we are “deplorable.” 

Until Trump

Since the 2016 election, there has been a battle cry to take down conservatives, with liberals not apologizing but embracing violent rhetoric and actions. Maxine Waters was the spearhead inviting intimidating behavior, declaring, “The people are going to turn on them. They’re going to protest. They’re going to absolutely harass them…” CNN doubled-down by claims that ANTIFA was not a terrorist group, but “people” who are fighting against Fascism. Conflating conservative ideology to a violent, destructure, murderous ideology. Black-masked, baton-carrying, angry mobs who attack strangers, create blockades on public streets, intimidate bystanders, chase down people, and destroy property were a just reaction to conservatives. Recently, Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post opinion writer appearing on MSNBC, said the only way to purge GOP of Trump is to “Burn down the Republican Party with no survivors.” And there it is, their narrative: Liberals are justified because they are morally right. Conservatives are evil and need to be destroyed at all costs.

Until Trump.

For years–no decades–Conservatives have been pretty silent. They have never been reactionary. They are about “conserving what is true, good, and functional.” Create and maintain is their motto. They believe in debate of ideas in the open market to contribute to the concept of an informed populace. Unlike Leftists, Conservatives actually invite debate and communication. They don’t find opposing views offensive, and embrace conversation. You don’t see any conservative college campuses fighting to keep off liberal speakers. You don’t see conservative protesters blocking highways or descending upon liberal talking heads while eating dinner. For too long they ignored the screaming and the attacks, keeping their heads down, believing in our democracy as a means for change. Win with ideas, not with fists was the tenets of our Forefathers. Change happened at the ballot box…not in the streets or by mob rule. Peaceful assembly and “dignified” behavior was the hope.

Not the Left. Leftist have always been reactionary. They want to tear things down. It is their nature to stick it to the man, push the status quo, and fight. And fight is what they do! Take no prisoners; win at all costs. The Left doesn’t want to absorb any opposing viewpoints. That is why they demonize conservative news outlets and journalist, protest and kick out conservative speakers on college campuses, demonizing certain speech, and are quick to label things as “hate.” Leftist don’t want to hear conservative views and debate on merit, they want to silence it. Just look at their latest push to censure speech in the open arena, punish people on social media, shut down alternative communication sites, and ban anyone–with a large enough following–who is of conservative thought. All the while claiming they are the moral superior of judgment. 

Until Trump.

Trump may not be the “picture perfect” president that we visualized for America. But Obama wasn’t the president half the country hoped to have either. There is no “perfect” president. That is why we vote for a new one every four years. Long enough to get something done, but not too long to destroy the country. Trump is crass and brash and spontaneous… he is what is needed to break through the quagmire of the liberal stronghold, and fight to keep the values of the America we wanted a perfect president for. Trump acts like the Left, fighting a culture war using exactly their tactics: attack, smear, belittle. They don’t like it! Well, news flash: neither do Conservatives. Conservatives have been dignified and not reactionary…until Trump. It took Trump to show us that we didn’t have to take it. Past leaders have faltered by the attacks of the Left. If they couldn’t handle it, how would we? But them Trump came along. He is standing up, not accepting their lies, smears, and demonization. HE DOESN’T’ CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT HIM. He is made of Teflon. Nothing sticks. And that is what is needed if we are to have a voice in the political arena. We were being shut up and shut out. We have been overlooked by our own leaders, in lieu of power, and getting a seat at the table with the powerful Left. We have been sold out. Conservatives have had enough. Enough of name calling. Enough of demonization. Enough of being irrelevant, ignored, inconsequential. We wanted to be back in the game, not kicked out of the stadium!

Until Trump.

There are Leftists values and Conservatives values, with the two agreeing on nothing anymore. There is no median. Pick a side. We are at war! And when in war, you don’t care who the person is standing next to you, fighting to protect you. A smoking, cursing, sleazy-character is irrelevant in the trenches. You need a fighter tougher than the ones shooting at you. And the Lefts is shooting at you! They aren’t trying to make peace. They aren’t trying to work with you. They aren’t trying to incorporate what is valuable to you. They don’t want your ideas. They don’t even want you in their world. They want to conquer and win. 

Until Trump.

Leftists have cast Conservatives as villains. When we voted for Trump, he got cast in the lead roll! He is not being nice or politically correct. He is not playing their game. He is not allowing them to make up the rules for him to follow. HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES…not them. He is leading this country the way he said he would. He has followed through on his promises and is transparent of what he plans to achieve. No bate and switch. We got what we voted for. All the while, Trump is exposing how disingenuous, aggressive, and power hungry The Left/Swamp are, especially the politicians and the corrupt media that protects them. His tactics are uncomfortable, no doubt. He is beating them at their own game. He is playing from their handbook and they don’t like it.  Trump took us from being the geeks to the scoring players of the team. We are winning. Our values are being preserved. Our ideologies restored. Trump is here for a reason. He is doing the job no man could have done being nice, dignified, and playing by the rule book. The Left burned the rule book many years ago and have been altering the game as they go along. The Left doesn’t play fair. They don’t just want to win. They are out to destroy. Trump is stopping them. He is a brute, smashing through the line of defense, clearing the field, and I wouldn’t’ want to be behind anyone else protecting me as we make our way to score!


The Ugly Truth: Charter Schools And Democrats

I don’t think anyone can deny that Charter Schools are producing intelligent, successful kids at all spectrums of the socio-economic levels. No one is arguing the merits of the education given or refuting the success record of children coming out of charter schools. 

So why do Liberals fight against Charter Schools? 

One argument is to accuse charter schools of mismanagement, citing “a drumbeat” of reports revealing corruption, fraud, and profiteering in the charter school industry. As if we are to believe that Democrats have suddenly turned into fiscal conservatives looking out for taxpayers’ money? They don’t have to look far to find blatant waste, fraud and profiteering in just about every government agency, and yet seem to have a targeted concern about charter schools?

They declare charter schools are “stripping traditional public schools of crucial resources.” Would that be the same crucial resources they are taking from to fund LGBTQ history curriculum or sex manuals teaching young children to masterbate or how to pick a gender?

And my favorite argument–they are accusing charters schools of being racists, using terms like “re-segregation” and “white-flight” as scare tactics. (But, of course!) Is it true? The statistics just don’t support it. The National Alliance For Public Charter Schools found that traditional public schools and charter schools serve the same proportion of black students, and “it is clear that charter schools enroll mostly similar percentages of students by race/ethnicity as traditional public schools. What the demographic breakouts at the district-level indicate is that charter schools reflect the demographic patterns of traditional public schools.” Alan Greenblatt arguesCharters are poorly integrated not only because of housing patterns or public policy, but because of parent preference. When they have a choice, parents tend to pick schools where children look like their own.” In other words, charter schools are entering into communities that are already segregated by minority groups/socio-economic divide. The cause of segregation isn’t inherent to charter school’s structure but is a microcosm of the community for which they are placed–and a choice of parents, not forced upon them. Patrick Wolf, an education professor at the University of Arkansas, explains,“Most charter schools intentionally locate in inner-city neighborhoods that are highly minority and are designed to appeal to racial minority parents.”

Many of these arguments, reports, and analysis are coming from advocacy groups, unions, and liberals who are seeking to damage the charter school concept. There seems to be concerted smear campaign, pushed by articles, media, and liberals who are working with Democrats to create legislation to stop charter schools. Charter schools are under a micro-scope with little room for mistakes. All this scrutiny, and yet public schools are a hotbed, decades long, of fraud, waste and profiteering prompting the need for charter schools in the first place. So, is there a problem with charter schools? Like most bureaucracies, oversight is an issue. But they are still a part of a broken system: traditional, public schools. And if charter schools have problems, you don’t have to look far to understand why and how. Maybe the scrutiny of the charter schools is inherent in the conglomerate system for which it is trying to break free? But more good is coming out of charter schools than bad, with students benefitting overall. So why the rush to throw the baby out with the bath water?

For years, Democrats have enthusiastically joined Republicans and supported charter schools, as well as expand existing ones. Salon reports, “The Obama administration dramatically expanded federal support for charter schools with the avid support of Democrats in Congress.” Democrats like Andrew Cuomo from New York and Jerry Brown have been champions of charter schools. Presidential candidates Corey Booker and Beto O’Rourke have connections to charter schools. During Trump’s first year, Democrats joined Republicans for an increase in funding for the charter school grant program. This has been, and should be an issue that both sides can agree on­–help to better the education of children, especially those in disadvantaged areas. 

But politics has changed the atmosphere of bipartisan support. Democrats do not like Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos. And they don’t like Trump. Two strong proponents for charter schools. But that isn’t the only reason, nor the strongest reasons. This issue is not about education, or what’s best for [disenfranchised] kids. This is about money and power. 

Education is run by unions-the Teacher’s Union. The National Education Association is the largest labor union and professional interest group in the United States. It represents public school teachers, support personnel, college faculty and staffers, retired educators, and teachers in training. Unions collect funds. This union collects millions and millions.  Millions of dollars that go right back into the pockets of Democrats.

The ugly truth­–Liberals hate Free Choice! Democrats and their policies are forcing parents to keep their children in badly run schools and chaining the door behind them. They want kids to stay in garbage, run-down, dilapidated, poorly managed, public schools because public schools pay union dues, and teacher unions give money to Democrats who stay in power to keep kids uneducated. It’s a vicious cycle and (one) of their dirty little secrets. To fix education would mean an overhaul of agendas, policies, structures, unions, money, budget accountability, and transparency. The schools system isn’t broken because of teachers, lack of money, or students–it is broken because it is corrupt, inside and out. The baby doesn’t need to be thrown out, the whole basket, water, and person carrying the baby needs to be rid of! The education system has become an arm of the Democrat party and liberal ideology, leaving a “proper” (reading, writing, and math) education on the side burner. That is where charter schools come in. They are working within a corrupt system, still beholden that education is their number one priority. If charter schools are truly failing, as Liberals proclaim, then I fear being educated in this country will soon be a long lost concept, replaced by training and ideological indoctrination for a better citizenry will take its place.



In my first article, Constitutional Crisis, I started to look at the key people involved in the Russian Collusion story. As I did my research I noticed how the people first introduced in this scandal were demonized in the media. Carter Page was a Russian spy who was betraying his country! Turns out, he was just an average guy just figuring his way around jobs and took opportunities that came his way. He wasn’t looking to spy, or be a part of  some covert plan, as the media portrayed. And the stories about him two years ago have drastically changed. The news got it all wrong. Or did they? That is what I am trying to figure out. More and more information is coming out, emails are being released, memos are found, with the help of Judicial Watch and reporters like John Solomon at The Hill. As these sources are being exposed, the “truth” is moving. I am trying to keep up.

The following article is a continuation of my investigation into the FISA used for the Russian Collusion Investigation. Follow the timelines and take note of the players. The details matter. Don’t let the MSM tell you otherwise. According to Brennan this is some kind of “conspiracy” pushed by the Trump administration. Anyone with half a brain will be able to see, THIS is not about Trump, but about a rogue government who has been abusing their power and breaking the very foundation of our Constitution. Before this is over, we will see for the first time in in my lifetime TREASON! 


OCTOBER 11, 2019: Christopher Steele goes to the State Department and meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Kathleen Kavalec. At this meeting Kavalec takes handwritten NOTES. She is fact-checking Steele’s information as he is telling her about Russians coming into the U.S., between July & August of 2016, and working with Trump. He also tells her about Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, and a meeting with Russians in PRAGUE to get information about Hillary emails, and making payments for Trump. In her handwritten notes, she lists the names of the Russians, and writes in bold, “COHEN PRAGUE”, and circles this information. Kavalec types up her notes and sends them to the FBI. They are not classified at this time. In the electronic version, she follows up with verified data of the Russian names and their travel to the U.S. But there is a redacted section that follows, omitting one person. That is Cohen–an important and key name that she highlights in her handwritten notes. She has supplied travel dates/information for all the other names in her notes to the FBI. Would she not have noted Cohen’s travel data too? Information Kavalec would have had access to and could have easily verified. We now know Cohen never traveled to Prague. The redaction may contain notes that Kavalec verified Cohen was NOT in Prague. Steele also states the Russian side of the controversy is being managed through the Russian Consulate out of Miami. In Kavalec’s notes she learns and verifies to the FBI, “it is important to note there is NO RUSSIAN CONSULATE IN MIAMI.” 


The FBI has Kavalec’s electronic notes since October 11th, 2016, but on APRIL 15, 2019, FBI Director, Christopher Wray CLASSIFIES Kavalec’s electronic memo, until 2041. Why???? This is the FBI director who testified to Congress he personally did not know of spying by the FBI. Yet, days before he makes an insignificant State Department’s Employee’s memo classified. Fortunately, an FBI whistleblower releases the handwritten notes before Wray could classify those. We now know why. Because the FBI SWORE the Steele information was true… and this one insignificant memo is the link that proves the FBI KNEW Steele was lying about Cohen, provided false information, the Russian Consulate did not exist, and that they had no verifiable information to justify spying on Carter Page. 


OCTOBER 19, 2016: Christopher Steele, eight days after his meeting with the State Department, sends a memo to the FBI claiming he has information of a meeting between Trump’s lawyer, Cohen and Russians. It says, “The Kremlin insider was unsure of the identities of the PA officials with whom COHEN met secretly in August, or the exact date/s and locations of the meeting/s.” So, Steele tells the State Department Cohen met with Russians in PRAGUE, but tells the FBI Cohen met with unknown people at an unknown location.


OCTOBER 2OTH, 2016: Steele writes another memo to the FBI, changing his previous memo’s information and states, “According to the Kremlin advisor, these meeting/s were originally scheduled for COHEN in Moscow but shifted to what was considered operationally “soft” EU country when it was judged too compromising for him to travel to the Russian capital.”

ONE DAY LATER… Steele is “inspired” to remember the meeting place is in a “soft” EU country, and not just an unknown location. But he still doesn’t state in this second memo, that the meeting is in PRAGUE. He verbally tells the State Department KEY INFORMATION about a Russian Collusion story, but can’t remember one of the most important pieces eight days later when he writes up his memo to the FBI?

Steele is either lying, is an unreliable source, or is relaying information that is not his–so he can’t keep his stories straight.  None of these scenarios is good. The FBI has been proclaiming Steele a reliable source. They had worked with him on cases before and he is a “verified” source to the FBI. The FBI SWEARS THIS to the Court in their FISA WARRANT, as well as, Mueller double downs this information in his Russian Investigation Report.


If you go back to FISA, Part I, you will see Kavalec’s notes were not the first and only information told to the FBI that Steele was unreliable. The FBI knew who Steele was, and had plenty of warning that Steele was supplying unreliable, political information paid for by the Hillary Clinton and DNC, and proclaimed to Kavalec that he wanted the information to  “get out before the election.” In other words, he was supplying false and scandalous information to affect the 2016 election.

Oh, but there is more… next article: The Blame Game



THE MEDIA IS proclaiming a “constitutional crisis.” Yes, there is a constitutional crisis, but not the one they think.

FISA is a HUGE responsibility of the Federal Government. It is the legal access to spy on FOREIGN NATIONALS/SPIES AND TERRORIST INSIDE the United States. It allows investigators to have access to years-old and new information, tap phones, look into emails, and complete surveillance. If an American is attached to the investigation, Americans need to be “masked.”  They can be spied upon, but their identity must remain sealed. When the FBI “unmasks” a citizen, it is the process by “specially trained” investigators who are required to go through an established procedure to protect the privacy of the U.S. person. When the FBI asks the courts for a FISA, they have to swear the validity of the information and prove the information is vetted and true, for spying on a citizen is highly unusual and extreme.


OCTOBER 2016, THE FIRST FISA WARRANT was targeted at Carter Page. Remember, a FISA has to be on a foreign national and/or a terrorist. Carter Page was sold to the courts as a Russian Spy.

But who is Carter Page? Not a Russian, or a foreign national, but an American petroleum industry consultant who worked in Russia and admitted to having a “relationship” with the Kremlin. (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/who-carter-page-what-does-he-have-do-russia-probe-n844821) Back in 2013, the FBI interviewed him regarding his ongoing contacts in Russia, where he’d lived and worked as an energy investor and adviser. Page believes he “pissed” the FBI off during that interview when he made a verbal jab at the FBI wasting their time interviewing him when they should have been investigating the Boston Marathon bombing, a case headed by Andrew McCabe. Page believes he ignited a retaliatory campaign against him. (The FBI moved to wiretap Page just a few months after McCabe was promoted to FBI deputy director in 2016.) In March of 2016, the FBI interviewed Page–the same month he became a Trump advisor. The same month the FBI was closing a Russian corporate espionage case where Page had just helped assist the FBI. The bottom line, THEY KNEW HE WAS NOT A RUSSIAN SPY. They knew who Page was prior to his working on the Trump campaign, and even trusted him enough to work on a Russian espionage case.

But The FBI swore to the FISA Court Carter Page was a Russian agent. A fact they knew to be false and misrepresented to the FISA Court. A fact the Mueller Report failed to mention, but proceeded to label him as having Russian connections and misrepresenting him as a foreign entity. The First FISA allowed the FBI to spy on everyone attached to him, including the Trump Campaign.


Who is Christopher Steele? He was an ex-British Spy who ran the Russia desk at MI6 headquarters in London between 2006 and 2009. He opened up his own private intelligence firm when he retired. He is supposedly the author of the Trump Dossier which contained allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 election. He was hired by Fusion GPS, a company who was paid by the Hillary Campaign and the DNC to dig up dirt against Trump. Let that sink in: A foreign spy with Russian ties, was hired to dig up dirt on Trump to influence the 2016 election. 

In AUGUST 2016, Christopher Steele goes to the State Department and meets with several of the staff of Victoria Nuland, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. He “dumps information” to them concerning his information on Trump. (A dossier is not presented at this time, only information that will later be written formally in a dossier.) Nuland’s staff write up reports, claiming Steele is unreliableunstable, and pushing a political agenda. Nuland files a report with the FBI further claiming Steele was “dangerous.”

On OCTOBER 11, 2016, Steele has a meeting in the State Department with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec. We know from handwritten notes, she found Steele to be questionable, pushing a political agenda. She writes up a report, and sends to the FBI, about the meeting and shows the Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing an Election Day deadline. (More to come about this meeting in FISA, Part II)


Additionally in August of 2016, Bruce Ohr, GOES TO MCCABE AND WARNS THE FBI ABOUT STEELE BEING UNRELIABLE AND DANGEROUS. Bruce Ohr is the senior Department of Justice official who carried “politically tainted” allegations about Trump to the FBI during the 2016 election. Bruce Ohr was receiving this information by his wife, Nellie Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS–the opposition-research contractor who hired Steele to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign develop dirt on Trump. (https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/430717-the-family-secret-bruce-ohr-told-rod-rosenstein-about-russia-case)


The FBI “Swore to FISA judges that Steele’s ‘reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings’ and the FBI has determined him to be ‘reliable’ and was ‘unaware of any derogatory information pertaining’ to their informant.” They did not report to the courts the dossier was “opposition research” paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign to find Russian dirt on Trump. In summary, the FBI KNEW STEELE was an unreliable source, and yet moved forward and LIED to the FISA courts.

Someone has some explaining to do! It seems there has been an abuse of power by the policing agencies at the highest level and truly warrants more investigations. This is a constitutional crisis!







A New Beginning


With the onset of censorship I am concerned about Freedom of Speech. It is well documented that this country is in the fight of our times–Freedom of Speech is being squashed. More importantly, conservative thought and speech is on the attack. It is labeled “right wing” garnering an immediate association to hate speech. A label made-up and demonized by liberals. Well, played, liberals. Well played! The mere association is now the reason why  large, liberal-controlled social media outlets like FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and YOUTUBE have warranted banishment. And they are censuring people, phrases, pictures, videos and words by everyone who they think are violating their code of social justice.

Of course, I realize that my hashtag will have little to no effect when not on social media. So, what do we do? Until a conservative social media site becomes available–and I know it will when the timing is right–we are stuck! They, the liberal machine, has the power. They are proudly squashing conservative thought and there is not much someone small like me can do to change the stronghold.

Or is there?

I truly believe that there is power in numbers. But numbers only happen when we find each other and stand together. David did win against Goliath! Conservatives have been pushed to silence for so long, we haven’t quite built up our strength. The liberals have perfected the attack. Conservative  have been misguided by fake conservatives who we thought had our back. They don’t. (You Republicans know who I am talking about….George Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the late John McCain!) But the tide is turning, and the quiet are no longer sitting around waiting for a hero. The common man is the hero. We have the power. The Constitution grants us that!

Speak out! Don’t let someone else take your power. Free speech is a right–A GOD GIVEN RIGHT. And no one, no party, no affiliation can take that away. But, they can if you give it to them. I am not going to do that. Are you?


I haven’t written on this blog for a long time. Two years in fact. The other social media outlets allowed me to voice my viewpoints, and it seemed sufficient. So, now that Freedom of Speech is under attack, as well as conservative voices are being squashed, I feel it is time to give our voices a place to talk to one another, and share our thoughts without the vitriol and hate that comes our way when we do. I haven’t quite figured out how this will work out. How to control the hacks that come along. But all I know is that I have to try to get away from the social media giants and do something.

I am a writer. This is my little part. I spend much time, much WASTED time, on social media trying to reach people, get them to think, openly and honestly exchange viewpoints, and ultimately try to make a better society by doing so. This is what I want to continue to do with this site.

If you have happened upon this blog, please know what my goal is: to share thoughts, concerns, and ideals in a respectful way that will benefit our society for the good and the betterment of our citizenry. I invite all viewpoints if they are logical, factual, and in the vein of my goals above. We all benefit from countering viewpoints, but we all benefit when it is civil and respectful. I make no apologies that I am a constitutionalist. My “party” is God. My devotion is to MY COUNTY, the Untied States of America. My concerns are for humanity. My writings will reflect these ideologies with great conviction. Like them, support them, learn from them, or counter them. But do so with civility at all times!

I look forward to the new journey. May it bring us to a better place, curtail the hate that is enveloping the discourse, and help us fight the war against our Freedoms…especially the Freedom of Speech!

Thank you!

Focusing the Purpose

Well, we are soon upon another debate for the Republicans. I am sorry to say that I am not pleased with the amount of candidates still standing. I wish most of them would go away. It makes me wonder the motivation of the candidates. Are they in it for fame, fortune, or fundamentals. My goal is to find someone there for fundamentals. I am looking for a leader who will lead American into a renewed sense of importance and success. A leader who will UNITE ITS CITIZENS for the purpose of life, liberty, and justice for all. Am I asking for too much? Am I an idealist? Or has government and the expectations of corruption so imbedded that we no longer hold ideals as noble as our fore fathers planned?

The media is having a field day with the many candidates. They love all this in-fighting amongst us. I, personally, am proud of every single candidate. They are all really smart, successful in their own right, strong leaders, want the best for the country, and are willing to dedicate their lives to the betterment of our citizens. I am proud of the men and woman who are up there trying to represents us. Each holds different experiences and ways to accomplish things. But they are all united in one thing: ALL AMERICANS LIVING BETTER LIVES.

Listen to the divisive words of the democrat candidates have been using in their (one) debate, and the rhetoric that they are talking about in their campaigns:

“The middle class”


“The Poor”

“Black Lives”


“Illegals”or “Undocumented Immigrants”

“The Rich!”

“‘Right winged’ Christians”

“‘Peace loving’ Muslims”

“Privileged white people”

Then listen to the words of the Republican Candidates:

“All lives”

“All Americans”

“Everyone has a part to play in this economy”

I am so tired of pitting groups against each other. WE THE PEOPLE…not just the poor, or the ones that want abortions, or the ones that  make less than a certain amount a year. When did it become fashionable to take down people to raise others up? I believe that is what Hitler did….How did that turn out?

The media likes to say that Republicans can’t agree on anything and are fighting amongst themselves. But the truth is, that is true democracy. The sharing of different ideas and coming to a common ground for the good of its citizens. Not obedience to one set of standards. Not conformity. Not killing the dissenters. It is the free exchange of ideas, and having the room in your citizenry to act out your individuality without harm.

Without freedom for all, you are merely a government of tyranny.

I did not say without obstacles. I did not say without having feelings hurt. I did not say without variances in money, title, education, skill, opportunity, social status, psychical challenges, mental challenges, etc. I did not say with everyone agreeing with you and your choices. But it is the chance for any one, to work towards their dreams and have opportunities offered. NOT GIVEN TO THEM. Yes, we can help people. That is our way in America. But help should not be substituted for a person’s own ability nor should it come at the expense of others citizens’s freedoms. Taking away from others, forcing submission is tyranny….and is against everything this country stands for.

We need leaders..who actually care about ALL the people: RICH AND POOR, WOMAN AND MAN, GAY AND STRAIGHT, RELlGIOUS AND SECULAR, WORKING AND NONWORKING. We need policies that don’t penalize those who disagree, or punish those that you don’t like. This current administration is all about separating, pitting, and antagonizing to motivate a course of action. What kind of moral code is that??? Shouldn’t our rules, laws and behaviors be EQUAL UNDER  THE LAW, UNITED UNDER ONE FLAG. Oh wait….

So, it is time. Time to narrow it down and start looking for the one who can push forth the ideals that are good for ALL Americans…not just the ones you are seeking votes from. It is time to pick a candidate that will respect America and all that it used to stand for. We need a leader that can get this economy going…not slowly turning its wheels and accept a low standard as “success.” We need a leader who represents people…not just groups. We need a leader who can stand up on the world stage and be a beacon of good. We need a leader that believes in the goodness in people, and not diminish people so that others can “feel” good. We need someone to stand up for justice for EVERYONE…not pick and choose who you think is deserving. We need a leader who will lead, not rule. We need someone to unite us, not put us in groups and box individuals to one set of ideas. We need someone who believes that we are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Being President is a Job, not a Title! Submit resumes here….

When it comes to the the candidates for President, this is now the phase in which we start learning who they are, what are their qualifications, and what they stand for. Being President is not a popularity contest. It isn’t a high school election. It is a job! It requires skill, knowledge, education, and character. When hiring someone to do your payroll, would you hire the nice kids next door who flips burgers? If hiring someone for your heart surgery, would you hire your dentist just because she was a female? We sometimes think elections are about popularity or having your party WIN. We forget that this is about a job…and we are all shareholders who needs to see successful results. Hey, my dentist may be a great person and I like her a lot….but I am not going to have her cutting open my chest!

When I say I like Carly Fiorina or Ben Carson…I do. I think they are good human beings with a lot to offer America. They both are wonderful role models of what the American dream can offer: Opportunity, using it, and working hard. Are they right person to be President? I don’t know yet. Do they have the experience to be President? Did Obama? And yet millions voted for him because he promised that you would feel better! So now that we all can look at fluff and say it doesn’t work, everyone is being very demanding on the new candidates, questioning what is their experience and can they do the job. Good….American’s learned their lesson. We hope!

There are a multitude of Republican candidates with various backgrounds. Some have run states (Scott Walker), some have run companies (Carly Fiorina), some have just had personal success (Carson). No one candidate can do it all. When faced with really issues we must look at who is more intelligent, wise and successful. Who has a proven record at making good decisions. Who has the leadership to make things happen. Who is looking out for what is best for ALL Americans. Who is going to support America, the constitution, and the American dream? Being President isn’t a power play…it is an honor. It is a responsibility. It is about the people you are representing…not just about being a leader. This isn’t a title, it is a job. It isn’t about winning an election, it is about performing. There are a few candidate who are running just for the glory (Eh hem, Hilary and Bush) of the title. And then there are the 98 candidate (of course, I jest), who are running because of love of this country. They see it failing and want to do what is right and best for America. So, when a Fiorina, Cruz, or Carson start talking, I am listening because it is time we start looking for people who have EXPERIENCE to lead.

A lot of people look at Ben Carson and say, “Hey, if I need brain surgery, I will go to him. But can he work with Russia on not invading countries?” This is a valid question. Unfortunately, we are in a state of affairs that we cannot only afford a domestic President, but we need someone savvy to foreign affairs. We need a LEADER! We need a GLOBAL LEADER. We no longer have the luxury of running on the campaign promise of “hope.” We need safety, world leadership, negotiations, protecting, decision making, hard choices, etc. The next person to run this country needs more to offer than “change.” We need someone who can actually accomplish something!

I am looking and listening at the barrage of candidates (and I use that term specifically) to sift through what it is I am seeking for the next President of the United States. Liberals can scream all they want at Donald Trump and poster him as the face of Republicans. It makes great television and commentary. But I don’t think most people are that superficial this election, nor am I. I am really trying to narrow down who I feel is not just right for me (which I think the last election was all about for most American), but who is right for America and the world in which we live in. We have too much at stake. These candidates all have positive and negative. But there is a lot to think about and we need evaluate these candidates on how they will lead when the important issues arise. Who has the strength, talent, experience, moral compass, obligation to duty and character to lead America into the future. The leaders of today are wallowing in the past. We need a leader of tomorrow; a leader of foresight and vision. Who is that??? Let the games begin.

Speak Up!


I had conversation with my son about having a voice. He had disagreed with a teacher in a religion class about something. (When I heard what it was, I was equally in disagreement.) I told him to speak up! I said do it with respect, but he had every right to state his opinion and disagree with her. The teacher, nor the school, or anyone for that matter, can overrule his ability to think and express himself. Speaking his mind is a freedom. It comes with responsibility and must be done with respect, especially for those in authority. But respecting authority does not allow that authority to silence his thoughts, nor is it submission of his freedom of speech.

It is becoming increasingly common for Professors and teachers to impose their viewpoints upon our children. I have heard stories of Universities Professor failing students who do not express the “right” viewpoints or disagree with his/her perspectives. They are bullying or holding students hostage to their ideology. It almost seems diabolical! In a place where encouraging students to think for themselves and grow in perspectives to better understand the world around them, these “teachers” are merely trying to control the narratives and replicate themselves, if not actual brainwash students. Let’s face it, young people are impressionable. These teachers know they are getting young minds at their most vulnerable and molding them. The school systems know this, the Universities are taking advantage of it, and the people in charge are utilizing a social system to “create” a society they deem acceptable.

Our classrooms are not indoctrination center! They should be arenas for the exchange of ideas and learning. Unfortunately, the people who are running Schools and Universities have a different philosophy.  It is becoming obvious “they” have agendas and are building curriculum with agendas. Our classrooms have become a new war ground and our kids a social experiment.

More importantly, they are pushing their social constructs and world views with no approval. I might agree with their concepts IF I was informed ahead of time and was allowed in the process of approval. I think I should have a choice to send my kid to “them” for “their” viewpoints. Teaching our children to respect the police would be an approved social construct. But parents are not given a choice these days. Even more so, they are being kept in the dark and only when it is happening do they have the chance to speak out. A recent incidence being a group of children was read to by a transgender drag queen. Many parents spoke out; a public debate ensued. But the powers in charge justified their actions and parents were branded as bigots. Nothing was resolved but a message to shut up if you disagree–you’ll be bullied and demonized if you do. Schools boards are supposed to be cooperating with parents. Educating children has always been a duty of the “village.” But Government thinks it is only their responsibility. Education in the classroom is one small part of a child’s upbringing. Parents, the community, religious groups, family and friends are a much bigger part to make up a whole person. The government-run portion–classic school rooms–was established to teach basic skills so that the society could have a level playing field, a basic standard for which humans could function and interact with one another. The idea of community at large was far more influential to the well being of child. But empowered bureaucrats think they are the keepers of morality and and social constructs. They want to step in where they think parents aren’t doing the correct job. The line of interference into our personal lives and the caring for our children is slowly being overstepped…all for the good of “society.” But is that the job bureaucrats? People who aren’t listening to us? Or who aren’t held accountable to our concerns?  A parent in San Diego went to his school board to expresses concerns about what they were teaching his son. The board spent more effort in monitoring his time to speak than actually listening and engaging his concerns. They didn’t care. They were doing their duty of looking as-if they were open to debate. Bureaucracy at its finest!

Call me old fashion, but I believe school is not a social experiment but should be about education. I was brought up to believe social learning, morals, values and judgements were my job–as the parent. The government seems to think I am just a birth parent to procreate for the society at large. But this is what bureaucrats don’t seem to understand–I AM THE PARENT, not them. If they don’t like the way I am bringing up my kid, well, I would say that is none of your business. They can raise their own children to offset the imbalance of what I am doing. Not fair? Here is a little piece of advice hat I learned from my parents: LIFE ISN’T FAIR!

So, my advice to my son, Speak Up! Use your voice and be heard. When you are being silenced, speak louder. We, the people, have a voice! Liberal group, agenda driven media, social-warrior pushers might have an upper hand because they are the squeaky wheel. But they don’t have the only hand. Raise your voice and speak your mind. Last I heard, we are a nation of free speech, and free thoughts. Our nations was not built on suppression. And when suppression was allowed, people, ordinary people, rose up and fought to get rid of it! So, speak up and raise your voices and do what it takes to have your voice heard! Be kind and respectful, but for God’s sake, STAND UP.  Call people out when you disagree and stop letting them manipulate your world! There is room for all of us, whether we agree or not.